Geffen Apartment
New York, NY Of all Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman designs, perhaps the play of geometry is at its tightest density in this relatively small Manhattan apartment of 1979. The vocabulary of forms here (with the exception of a rather organic tub enclosure in the master bathroom) is quite limited, without the compound curves of the Swid apartment. Continue Back The grid used here is not a repetitive one in the typical Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman manner, but its spacing is varied to meet a great range of new and existing conditions, and this network of organizing lines is displayed quite clearly as joints in the marble flooring. Typical of the apartment’s complex geometry is the detail of the main rooms’ window walls: a cove for indirect lighting curves downward above a projecting shelf, its front surface cut back at a 45 degree angle and its soffit mirrored.Return to Project Gallery