Measuring the Human Impact of UC’s Architectural Renaissance
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November 01, 2007Measuring the Human Impact of UC’s Architectural Renaissance
Can you build community using bricks and mortar? Absolutely. As the University of Cincinnati wraps up a long 15-year campaign to make over the Uptown Campus, it is clear that the effort is yielding more than just a physical transformation. The new campus may also be contributing to a shift in the culture and, perhaps, even changing the way members of this community think and relate to one another. The campus reformation — a capital investment exceeding $1.2 billion — has not gone unnoticed nationally.
November 01, 2007Measuring the Human Impact of UC’s Architectural Renaissance
Can you build community using bricks and mortar? Absolutely. As the University of Cincinnati wraps up a long 15-year campaign to make over the Uptown Campus, it is clear that the effort is yielding more than just a physical transformation. The new campus may also be contributing to a shift in the culture and, perhaps, even changing the way members of this community think and relate to one another. The campus reformation — a capital investment exceeding $1.2 billion — has not gone unnoticed nationally.
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