State University of New York at Buffalo

Center for the Arts Amherst, NY The Center for the Arts is situated on the primary open site at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Located at the end of the cross-axis of the campus and overlooking Lake LaSalle, the building redefines the university's Coventry Circle entrance as a major plaza for both athletic and performing arts events. Continue Back
The building is asymmetrically split by a two-story skylit gallery that defines the north-south axis and connects the Fine Arts and Theater Arts Departments. The Fine Arts Department consists of a student-faculty art gallery, sculpture, photography, drawing and painting studios, and administrative and faculty offices. The Theater Arts Department is larger, with an 1,800-seat proscenium concert/opera theater, and a 400-seat repertory theater, two rehearsal theaters, a screening room, a media department and studio, two dance studios, a full-service backstage area, and miscellaneous support spaces.

The art studios and performance spaces were designed to provide maximum flexibility for students and faculty. The combination of the two disciplines into single building adds a programmatic and cultural dynamic to the center of the campus, increasing student and public access to the university’s multi-disciplinary activities.

Associate Architect: Scaffidi & Moore Architects

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“I am compelled to write you once again and tell you how grateful we are for your remarkable efforts in designing this magnificent facility. It means a great deal not only to the UB community, but to artists, performers, and audiences throughout our Niagara Region. …All of us who have had opportunities to enjoy events in the Center are simply overwhelmed by its dynamism and grandeur.”

William R. Greiner, President of the University

Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman Architects llc. 79 Fifth Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10003 | 212.947.1240 | 212.967.0890 ©2024 All Rights Reserved.